Recently, I was reminded of my Mom's soup when I turned the pages of Soup Day by Melissa Iwai. Not only is her blog, The Hungry Artist, a wonderful resource of gorgeous recipes and photos but her book, Soup Day, is a favorite in my household. Here is my tribute to it, my potage homage . . .
My helper and I searched for the freshest indregients at the store (we might of been on page 4 of the book and we got weird looks, but I do as the French, I give them the strange look back, n'est pas?)
Veg cleaned and chopping had begun (yes, I deviated somewhat from the book here, you'll have to buy Soup Day to know exactly how.)
All the beautifully chopped veg ready to go into the soup pot.
And the finished soup. . . delicious.
Here's my illustrated version of my homage potage. Thank you to Melissa Iwai. What an inspiration! A bientot.